包晓凯, 2020级水产养殖学学术学位研究生,导师为杨建敏教授团队李赞老师。该生致力头足类免疫和代谢机制的组学研究,初步探究了护卵行为对短蛸幼体免疫代谢机制以及鳗弧菌刺激对短蛸免疫应答过程的影响,同时在重金属及各类环境因子对金乌贼幼体免疫代谢响应方面做出了一定的贡献。在校两年间共发表SCI论文10篇,累计影响因子45.991。其中,该研究生以首位第一作者身份在《Fish and Shellfish Immunology》杂志(一区Top IF 4.622)发表两篇”Effect of acute Cu exposure on immune response mechanisms of golden cuttlefish (Sepia esculenta)”和”Transcriptome profiling based on larvae at different time points after hatching provides a core set of gene resource for understanding the immune response mechanisms of the egg-protecting behavior against Vibrio anguillarum infection in Amphioctopus fangsiao”;《Frontiers in Immunology》(二区Top IF 8.786) 发表一篇”Transcriptome Profiling Based on Larvae at Different Time Points After Hatching Provides a Core Set of Gene Resource for Understanding the Metabolic Mechanisms of the Brood-Care Behavior in Octopus ocellatus”;《Frontiers in Marine Science》(二区Top IF 5.247)发表一篇”Transcriptome profiling based on different time points after hatching provides a core set of gene resource for understanding larval immune response mechanisms against Vibrio anguillarum infection in Amphioctopus fangsiao”;《Frontiers in Physiology》(二区 IF 4.755)发表一篇”Transcriptome Profiling Based on Larvae at Different Time Points After Hatching Provides a Core Set of Gene Resource for Understanding the Metabolic Mechanisms of the Brood-Care Behavior in Octopus ocellatus”;《Journal of Ocean University of China》(二区 IF 1.179)发表一篇”Transcriptome profile based on protein–protein interaction networks provides a set of core genes for understanding the metabolic mechanisms of the egg-protecting behavior in Octopus ocellatus”,以首位第一作者共计发表SCI论文6篇,累计影响因子29.211。另外,该研究生还以共同第一作者(首位为导师)在《Fish and Shellfish Immunology》(一区Top IF 4.622)杂志一篇”Transcriptome profiling based on protein–protein interaction networks provides a set of core genes for understanding the immune response mechanisms of the egg-protecting behavior in Octopus ocellatus”,并以第三、第五作者身份分别在《Frontiers in Marine Science》(二区Top IF 5.247)、《Developmental and Comparative Immunology》(三区Top IF 3.605)和《Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-Genomics and Proteomics》(三区 IF 3.306)上发表论文3篇。此外,该生还获得2022年山东省“挑战杯”老员工创业计划竞赛银奖等奖项,获评 2022年0638太阳集团科技创新拔尖人才、2021年0638太阳集团优秀研究生称号。
在上述文章中,“Exploration of immune response mechanisms in cadmium and copper co-exposed juvenile golden cuttlefish (Sepia esculenta) based on transcriptome profiling” 于2022年9月在《Frontiers in Immunology》(中科院二区Top,JCR一区,IF 8.786)杂志发表。杨建敏教授团队硕士研究生包晓凯为文章第一作者,杨建敏教授和李赞讲师为文章通讯作者。本研究得到了国家贝类产业技术体系(CARS-49)、国家自然科学基金(42006077)和山东省自然科学基金(ZR2019BC052)的支持。该文章利用RNA-Seq技术,创新性地采用结合KEGG信号通路数和蛋白互作网络中蛋白互作数的分析方法,初步探究了金乌贼幼体在铜和镉短期联合暴露下金乌贼幼体的免疫应答机制。同时,也为近海金乌贼的健康养殖产业做出了有益的探索。
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